
  • Bardah Wasalamah Universitas Bengkulu
  • Desi Susilawati Universitas Bengkulu
  • Encik Putri Ema Komala Universitas Bengkulu


Supportive, Educative, Quality of Life, Family caregiver, hemodialysis


High prevalence of Family caregivers who experience physical, psychological, social and financial problems in caring patients causes the higher caregiver burden. This condition will significantly affect to Quality of life (QoL). The decrease of QoL among Family caregivers will impact on their role in providing care. Innovations that aim to improve QoL in Family caregivers are very important. One of the innovations is Supportive Educative Nursing System (SENSY). SENSY is intervention to help Family caregivers improve knowledge, decision making, behavioral control in providing care, and improve QoL . This study adopted a quasi-experimental, pre and post test with control group design, involving 48 respondents. SENSY was carried out through 4 methods, teaching by providing audiovisual education. Supporting and Guiding was carried out by providing motivation and guiding on coping trategies through Family Psychoeducation (FPE) by a psychiatric nurse. Environmental development was carried out by providing module supportive educative. QoL was measured using The Adult Carer Quality of Life (AC-QoL) questionnaire. Independent-test showed a significant difference in QoL with p-value=0,000 (p<0,005). The increase mean of QoL among Family caregiver of intervention group was higher than control group (p<0,005). SENSY increases QoL of Family caregiver that caring hemodialysis patients. SENSY can be implemented as an intervention in improving family caregiver’s QoL and can be developed in various studies in the future.


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How to Cite

Wasalamah, B., Susilawati, D., & Ema Komala, E. P. (2024). PENGARUH SUPPORTIVE EDUCATIVE NURSING SYSTEM (SENSY) TERHADAP KUALITAS HIDUP FAMILY CAREGIVER PASIEN HEMODIALISIS. Jurnal Ners Indonesia, 14(2), 159–173. Retrieved from


