
  • Rajafitrina Lastari Universitas Hang Tuah Pekanbaru
  • Siska Mayang Sari Universitas Hang Tuah Pekanbaru
  • Sabrina Ellys HTB Universitas Hang Tuah Pekanbaru


Discharge planning, Nurse, Perception, phenomenology


Early discharge planning can shorten the length of patient stay in the hospital, can have an impact on reducing hospital budgets, can reduce the recurrence rate after they return from the hospital, and discharge planning interventions are carried out promptly. This study aims to determine nurses' perceptions in carrying out discharge planning for patients in the treatment room. This research is qualitative research with a phenomenological study approach. The subjects in the study were 8 participants, namely nurses on duty in the room who were taken using a purposive sampling technique. The data collection method was through in-depth interviews and then analyzed using the Collaizi technique. The results of this research found four themes obtained from the interviews. The first theme was obtained, namely the duties of nurses in implementing discharge planning which was discussed regarding the role and responsibilities of nurses in implementing discharge planning. The second theme is the concept of discharge planning which is discussed regarding the objectives and benefits of implementing discharge planning. The third theme is the implementation of discharge planning which is discussed regarding the discharge planning procedure.



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How to Cite

Lastari, R., Sari, S. M., & HTB, S. E. (2024). PERSEPSI PERAWAT TENTANG PELAKSANAAN DISCHARGE PLANNING; STUDI FENOMENOLOGI. Jurnal Ners Indonesia, 14(2), 132–141. Retrieved from


